Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sometimes at night, I find myself wandering from room to room, half asleep, trying to find a kid free spot to lie down.  The other night, Nina crept into our bed and squished herself up against me.  She was so sweet, but after awhile I couldn't handle the wiggles.  So, instead of putting her back into her own bed, which would be the logical thing to do, I left her in my bed and went to go sleep in her bed.  An hour or so later, Nina came back to her bed and nestled in near my feet.  After a few minutes of enduring more wiggles, I left and returned to my bed.  An hour or so after that, Weston started I went into his room, and being too tired to sit up in a rocking chair, I fed him while lying on his floor, drifting in and out of sleep.  After who knows how long, I finally made it back to my own bed once again...just in time to wake up :)   Remember those days, when I would go to sleep around 11:00 at night, close my eyes, get all snuggly in my covers, listen to...oh yes, nothing...just complete silence, and sink into a deep, blissful, uninterrupted sleep, and lie there in my own bed, my very own bed until 11:00 in the morning?  Oh yes, such memories.  Trying to sleep when you are a parent of young kids is kind of like trying to sleep when you are dread it....and you barely sleep at all.  And then comes the glorious dawn of a new day!  Nothing says joy and rejoicing like two super cute girls jumping on your bed at 6:30 in the morning, pulling off your blankets, yelling "Get up Mom!  Get up Dad!  Get up!  Get up!  Get up!"  And every morning, you fight it. You think, oh maybe if I just ignore them, they will stop...but they never do.  Or, maybe if I turn on a movie, they will let me sleep a bit longer...but, they want their breakfast.  Or, maybe if I tell them to STOP and go to their room, they will actually leave and play barbies for a bit...but they just keep on coming back.  So, my advice is to just give up...and just get up.  Embrace your cuties with all the love you can muster after four hours of miserable sleep.  Smile.  Be grateful that everyone made it through another night of this glorious adventure called life.


  1. Miri smiles as the one who slept all night in her own bed; so darling (all three are.) We hope Chris gets plenty of shuteye before work! Someday before too long ... empty nest with memories.
