Sunday, February 2, 2014

Saturday morning, 7am:  Nina and Miri came bursting into our room yelling "It's light outside!  It's light outside!  Food, Mom! Food! Food!"  Chris and I, not ready to fully wake up, came up with, what we thought was a great compromise:  How about we turn on a movie for you downstairs and when it's over we'll come down and make some food.  So, we left the girls downstairs all to themselves and continued to sleep in till 8:30.  Bad idea on our part.  We woke up to Miri happily skipping into our room with black smears all over her face.  She came up to the bed and offered Dad an Oreo cookie. We asked her where she got the cookie?  She hesitated to tell us as Nina came running up the stairs.  We asked Nina if she had gotten into the Oreos.  She said no, but the black crumbs all over her face and teeth told otherwise. many cookies did you eat?  Nina raised all her fingers.  Ten?  Ten cookies?  Dad ran downstairs and found Oreo crumbs all over the living room floor, the cushions torn off the couch, and a Family Size Oreo package, completely empty.  Empty!  They must have eaten a combined total of up to 30 cookies!  Needless to say, we did not go for our traditional Saturday morning donut trip to the store.  Rather, the girls spent a lot of quiet time in their room, followed by several hours of cleaning the house.  They had to pick up all the Oreo crumbs on the floor and wash the Oreo smears off the furniture.  Nina cried, "there's just too many crumbs!  I can't do it!  There's too many of them!"  Ya!...because you ate like 30 Oreos!!! 

1 comment:

  1. hahahahhaha this is SO funny to me, because this happens ...TOO often... at my house, or something similar. Glad to know my kids aren't the only ones who whine about having to clean up the mess THEY made.
