Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Miri is a little bit slow when we are walking.  What do you expect from a two year old, right?  Anyways, sometimes I will tell her: "Chop, Chop Miri!"  It's my nice, fun way of saying, "Hurry up!"  The other day she responded with: "I'm chopping it!"  Daddy, then said: "Double time it Miri!"  She responded: "I'm doubling it!"  She is so cute.

As we were walking home from Safeway the other night, having rented "Catching Fire,"  Nina looked at the sky and said excitedly, "It's a pinkset!!"  She was referring to the sunset :)

Daddy brought home leftovers of pizza and soda pop from a work meeting Tuesday evening.  Miri helped Daddy bring the food inside and excitedly told me, as she jumped up and down, that Daddy brought us medicine!  Medicine!  Medicine!!  I want some Medicine!  She was so excited! I don't know where she got the idea that orange soda pop is called medicine :)  So, we all drank a little "medicine" with our pizza.    

Nina finally said goodbye to her dirty old bandaid that she had taped to her finger for several days.  Last week, Nina got a paper cut.  Oh my, you would have thought it was the end of the world!  She screamed on and off for about a half hour.  I gave her a band aid and told her if she lost it, she would not be getting a new one.  So, Nina kept track of that bandaid so carefully.  It fell off a few times, but each time, she found it and had me tape it back to her finger.  Over a few days, the band aid got dirtier and dirtier and was falling off more frequently.  Then, finally, Nina lost her precious band aid.  She screamed and jumped and threw herself on the floor...over and over again, yelling "I want my band aid!!!  Find it! Find it!"  I wondered what had gotten into my sweet Nina.  She's not one to throw long tantrums.  Anyways, I took her to her room for a nap...I am sure she was tired.  But before she got into bed, she found, peeking out from under her blanket, the dirty old band aid. "No!!" I thought to myself.  She grabbed it, but I took it from her and said it was time to throw the old band aid away.  That caused more screams and kicking...but we got through it!  She quickly fell asleep after all that and hasn't mentioned the dirty old band aid since!

Miri calls herself different animal names depending on what she is wearing or how she is feeling.  If she wears stripes, she says she is a zebra.  If she wears green, she is a frog.  If she wears white, she is a cloud.  Is she is wearing black and white, she is a cow.  Last night, she charged a bull.  She does this quite often when I am sitting on the floor.  It always scares me.  So, last night I told her not to do it because Mommy is a gentle which she replied in the biggest, roaring voice she could muster: "I AM A GORILLA!!!"   I laughed so hard.

Miri also has this new thing where whenever I call her a princess, or a sweetheart, or a cutie, or a flower, she will reply with: "No!  I'm not a sweetheart" or whatever it is I called her, "I'm a garbageman!"  And then she will laugh and laugh.  


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