Monday, June 9, 2014

I don't know what it is with my two little girls lately, but man, they are crazy, hyper balls of energy!!  I don't know whether to get upset or to join in the craziness.   They run around the house while giggling their heads off, sing at the top of their lungs, race across the room as fast as they can, twirl around and around and around.  They like to put shirts on their heads and sing Follow the Prophet.  They grab wooden blocks and put them under their armpits and run around saying "I've got my funny bones on!"  I get so exhausted watching them.  I keep thinking to myself, okay, they can't keep this energy up for too long right?  But, they can!  They go on and on and on.  Today, I just had to grab Nina and hold her down in my lap for awhile, while she played with a small toy, just so we could have some peace around here.  But hey, I will take happy giggles and joyful craziness over crying, whining, and fighting any day!  Today, they found me lying on the bed and decided to bury me in pillows and blankets.  I didn't mind a bit.  I enjoyed the chance to lie down for awhile...even with a mountain of stuff on top of me.  I occasionally stretched my arm out from the blankets to pretend like I was trying to grab them...which kept them giggling and happy for a long time...with minimal effort on my part.

The other day, Daddy started up a familiar conversation with the girls: "I am going to the moon, and I am taking Mommy with me!"  Nina then said, "I am going to the moon, and I am taking Miri with me and cakes, and chocolates, and we will go shopping and then we will rot our brains."  We all laughed.  Oh how easily our kids pick up on certain phrases that we use.

 I made a tail for Miri's Ariel Barbie today.  She's been feeling pretty jealous of Nina's Ariel Barbie doll, which has a tail that is permanently attached to her.  I sewed up a cute, blue tail within a matter of minutes.  She was so excited and happy.  Now, Nina is jealous of the homemade tail that can come off and on.  You can't please everybody!  Nina is now begging me to make tails for all her Barbie dolls.



  1. They are getting so big! I am glad that you guys have a blog so I can see all the cute pictures!!

  2. Your kids are so cute! I love the girls long hair... how do you do it??! I just recently (last week) cut Evolet's long hair short (chin length) because EVERY morning there was a huge tangled rats nest on the back of her head and it was a battle to comb it out- every day. Now, it is easy! :D But I do miss her long hair. She looks older with short hair. :(
