Friday, May 23, 2014

 The latest big news: we are expecting our fourth little bundle of joy!  (This explains why I haven't written for a month!  Severe demotivation sets in when I am pregnant.)  I am a little over 9 weeks along.  Baby is due December 22nd.  Talk about the best Christmas present ever!! We are so excited!  The girls keep kissing my belly and talking to the baby inside.  Miri is obsessed with the fact that the baby is naked inside my tummy.  She keeps telling me that we need to put clothes on him.  Hahaha :)  I continue to reassure her that when he comes out, we will put clothes on him.

We celebrated Nina's fourth birthday yesterday!  Daddy took the girls to see the movie, Bears, while I stayed home and made a big teddy bear cake.  It turned out so cute.  Nina had so much fun and sugar on her big special day, that by 5:30 she was an emotional wreck.  We quickly served the cake, opened presents, and sent her to bed.  Chris and I decided that if the party doesn't end in tears and tantrums then we didn't do a very good job :)    Every birthday and every holiday is a fun-filled, yet emotional experience for our girls.

Weston is learning how to climb up and down the stairs.  He is getting pretty good actually.  I spend a lot of time every day, going up and down and up and down with him. He thinks it is the funnest thing ever.  He is still so sweet and cuddly.  He is my only baby that has preferred to turn inwards, rather than outwards when holding him.  He likes to rest his head on my shoulder and give me little pats on the back.  I like to think he is saying, "good job Mom...good job."


  1. After several weeks ... good job, Angie! I admire your resilience and creativity (writing, cake making, and so much more) ... with love.

  2. And most importantly, congratulations! We are so happy for you and your darling family, and excited to share the good news!
