Sunday, February 1, 2015

So here we are...

We had "church" at home today due to the first major snow storm we have had since arriving in Illinois.  Now I am not a lover of cold weather, but I have to admit, today was beautiful: the snow quietly falling upon the wide and white expanse of the icy Mississippi River.  I told Nina last night that a snow storm was coming.  She asked me what it was and if it would be noisy.  As I explained to her what it would be like, I realized how much I missed the quiet of falling snow.  We spent the day snuggling our little ones, singing primary songs, playing ponies, reading books, and eating our Super Bowl subs (even though we didn't actually watch the Super Bowl).  For our Sunday lesson, Chris talked about love...or in other words, charity, which is the pure love of Christ...a love that never fails.  He encouraged us to show forth more love this each other, to all those around us, and to our Heavenly Father.

My love for my family has grown so much over the past year.  After all we have been through, I am so grateful for my dearest Christopher and our little ones.  They are my treasures.  Every day, when I hold Lucia or snuggle with Weston, or sing to my girls when putting them to bed, I feel so grateful and happy for this is so good. I think, if this was my last day on earth, there is nothing else I would rather be doing than holding my children. 

This past month has been so crazy, but so wonderful.  I love, love, LOVE having Lucia home with us.  I love the spirit that a newborn baby brings to a home.  She arrived home Christmas Eve, making it the best Christmas ever for our family!  Two weeks later, we packed up and moved to Illinois.  Crazy, right?  After worrying about this upcoming move for so many months, I am so grateful it is over and that everything went smoothly: no accidents, no delays, no one getting sick.

We have been staying in a vacation rental with the most gorgeous view of the Mississippi River.  Nina and Weston have loved playing in the snow, but Miri has not quite shared their enthusiasm.  After falling in the snow several times, she commented, "I think I don't like Illinois so much."  

But for the most part, all is well, and the Mee family adventure continues!  

Friday, December 19, 2014

Baby Lucia Arrives!

We are so grateful and happy to announce the birth of Lucia Mira Mee.  She was born on November 19th at 35 weeks old.  We were hoping to make it to 37 weeks and have a nice, scheduled C-section, but Lucia had plans of her own.  On November 19th around 5:30pm, as we were sitting down for dinner, I suddenly started gushing blood.  Chris ran outside to get a neighbor to watch our kids, while I grabbed some towels to wrap around me and put in the car.  Thankfully, our sweet neighbor was home and we were able to rush to the hospital.  I was in tears as we made the 35 minute drive to the hospital.  I was so afraid that our baby had died inside.  We called our specialist on the way (fortunately, he gave us his personal number the day before); he said he would let everyone know we were on our way.   We finally arrived at the hospital, where they wheeled me straight up to labor and delivery.  As they hooked me up to all the monitors, I was so relieved and grateful to hear my sweet baby's strong heart beat.  She was going to be okay!  She was truly going to defy all the odds.  She was actually going to make it! 

The specialists had said she was one in a million; they had never seen such a miraculous turn around in their 50 years combined experience.  At 22 weeks, she was practically given a death sentence, not expected to survive to 24 weeks...and even if she did, she was way too small to have a chance.  (One of the doctors even gave us the option to abort the baby...the situation looked that bleak.)  Our only hope was that the oxygen, pool therapy, and prayers would keep her alive.  And to everyone's astonishment, they did! After a few weeks, fluid levels increased, brain sparing stopped, and she started gaining weight at exponential rates. 

Finally, after months of seeing the doctors and specialists 3 times a week, baby Lucia decided she was done! Two hours after we arrived at the hospital, baby Lucia was born via C-section.  When they pulled her from my tummy, she let out a nice, healthy cry.  I couldn't help but cry too, I was so overcome with joy.  I was able to see her briefly before Chris and the nurses took her to the NICU.  Lucia weighed exactly 3 lbs and measured 15 1/2 inches.  After being held in the C-section recovery room for a couple of hours, they wheeled me into the NICU to see my little baby girl in her isolette.  I was surprised to see a head full of dark hair.  She was absolutely gorgeous...perfect in every way.   A few days later, Chris and my Dad were able to give her a priesthood blessing.  Chris put his hand through the isolette window and blessed her with great health and strength. The spirit in the room was so sweet.

So, here we are four and a half weeks later.  Lucia is still in the NICU, but doing fabulously!  She is in her own room, in an open crib.  She weighs 4 lbs 3oz.  She has handled everything so well, and just needs to be able to take all her feedings by bottle before they will discharge her.  We are hoping she will be home for Christmas...but, we shall see :)

I am so grateful that there is a happy ending to all the struggles we have gone through this year.   It has definitely been the hardest year of my life, but one of the most I have witnessed and been a part of a miracle.  I have felt Heavenly Father's love so strongly through the kindness of dear family and friends, as they have watched over my children, provided dinners, delivered random treats to our door, and offered countless prayers in our behalf.   We have witnessed first hand the power of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ!  These women have been incredible!  Not having any family close by, I don't know what I would have done without them.  Their service will never be forgotten.

After all we have been through, I feel more grateful than ever to be a mom.  I am so grateful for my four children.  I never want to take them or any day I have with them for granted.  Life is too precious.  Building our little family has been the best thing Chris and I have ever done and ever will do.   


Sunday, November 2, 2014

33 Weeks and Counting!

We have now reached week 33 of pregnancy!  Lucia measured a little over 1000 grams (2 lbs 4 oz.) at her 32 week growth check, which is more than we or the doctors ever expected!  I think she is in the first or second percentile for growth, but hey! she is still on the charts!  Chris has been making a cheesecake every week to fatten up this little baby (hopefully it's not just Mommy who is getting fat).  Amniotic fluid levels have remained constant at around 15 for the past few weeks and my placenta has moved up (no more placenta previa)!  We are still going in three times a week to be monitored, but so far she just keeps surprising us all.  I am still terrified that something will go wrong, but I do have this small glimmer of hope in the back of my mind that maybe, just maybe we'll be able to take Lucia home with us with zero or at least a relatively short NICU stay.  That might just be too good to be true, but one can always hope right?  We are just praying that she will have some major growth spurts in the following weeks.

I was able to attend church last Sunday to see Nina's first primary program.  I absolutely loved it.  Although she was terrified, Nina did so well with her one line.  She was the only Sunbeam who didn't need any help.  She said, "I love my family because they are so good to me."  After Nina said her line, Miri, who was on my lap, happily cried out, "She did it!"  We were all so proud of her.  Weston stood up on Daddy's lap for all the songs and conducted the music. After church, Chris made Nina a bright blue cake with bright yellow frosting and sprinkles to celebrate her success.       

Halloween was different this least for me.  I wanted to go trick or treating with our adorable kids, but alas, I had to miss out.  Not being able to do much of anything for the past 5 months has been hard; each week feels like an eternity.  Anyways though, the kids had a blast.  Nina dressed up as Ariel...with butterfly wings.  Miri was a purple bat, Weston was a lion, and Chris was a Jedi.

We were all able to attend the Phoenix Temple Open House this past week.  Nina has been looking forward to this for a long time.  She planned out what dress she was going to wear months ago. The temple was lovely inside and out.  I got to be wheeled around in a wheelchair while holding my portable oxygen tank.  The girls could hardly contain their excitement as they walked through the rooms.  Nina's favorite room was the baptistry and Miri's was the sealing room (at least that's what they told me a few days later).  Chris and I have been so excited to have a temple less than 20 minutes away from us...but now that we are moving in two months, we will hardly have time to enjoy such a luxury.  Once we move, we will be about 2 1/2 hours away from the Nauvoo temple.

Weston has been a bit slow on picking up words, but he is such a smart boy. His first real word has been "cheese," which is something he loves to eat.  And lately, he has been saying "Dada" and pointing to Chris. He figured out this week how to get out of his bedroom.  Apparently, if he stands on his pillow pet, he is tall enough to reach the door handle and get out.  We have since taken away all pillows from his room. He is such a problem solver...just like his Daddy.    

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Yay! 28 weeks!

We have been on pins and needles for the past 15 weeks wondering if Lucia would ever get this far....and she has!  Lucia has proven herself a true fighter.  She may be tiny, but she is mighty!  This week, she measured 605 grams (1 pound and 5 oz.).   The specialist was shocked with her impressive growth rate over the past two weeks (he was expecting a little under 500 grams...if she didn't stop growing altogether).   I warned Lucia over and over again that if she didn't totally amaze the doctor with how much she has grown, then they would take her out of there :)  She sure showed them!  The doctors have no explanation for the sudden improvement, other than it's a miracle.  She is only measuring 4 weeks behind now (as opposed to almost 6 weeks behind).  Fluid levels are up to a 13 and the bleed is much smaller.  The specialist said we are in uncharted territory now and have no idea what to expect in the coming weeks.  Will Lucia continue to grow at exponential rates, or will she hang on for just another week or two?  We have no idea, but we will continue to be monitored with 2 ultrasounds a week.  And I get to stay hooked up to the oxygen, and continue my pool therapy and modified bed rest.  One thing I know for sure is that she is in the Lord's hands and that the power of prayer is real.   I feel grateful and humbled this week and more hopeful than ever.  (Nina took the photo of the ultrasound picture below and Miri likes to pretend she's Mommy...hooked up to the O2)

Now for some random cuteness:
Nina was sucking on a red and white peppermint the other day.  She pulled it out of her mouth and was shocked to see that it had turned pink!  "It's a miracle!" she declared.

Miri turned 3 yesterday!  Chris made her a Rainbow Dash cake and decorated the kitchen with My Little Pony streamers, tablecloth, dishes, etc.  When Miri walked into the room, she was so excited, I thought she was going to burst into tears.  She cried out, "Oh, thank you!  Thank you so much!"  Throughout the night, she kept repeating, "Thank you!  Thank you for all!"  It was just the sweetest thing ever.


Sunday, September 21, 2014

27 Weeks and Counting

Today marks 27 weeks of pregnancy!  Five weeks ago, the doctor said we would be lucky if we made it to 24 weeks and a miracle if we could get to 28 weeks.  Baby Lucia has surprised us all.  She has a tiny body, but a very strong spirit!  Around 21 weeks, fluid levels began to decrease rapidly, but never dipped below 4cm.  Two weeks ago, fluid levels suddenly started rising again to 6 cm, then 8 cm, then 10 cm as of Friday!  I truly feel that all the prayers and fasting from friends and family have helped tremendously.  Thank you everyone!    According to our 26 week ultrasound, she measured 404 grams (about 14 oz).  I am sure that by next week, she will be over a pound.  The doctor has tentatively scheduled to take her out on September 30th, at 28 weeks.   We are terrified and excited at the same time.  Whatever the outcome may be, I feel blessed and honored to be the mother of such a strong, little spirit.



Sunday, August 24, 2014

Illinois, here we come!

I am now entering week 23 of pregnancy.  I can't believe I have made it this far.  I believe I have felt a few of Lucia's little movements today, so I know she is still hanging in there!  The ultrasound this week revealed that she is about 230 grams (almost half a pound).  We are praying that she will make it to at least 450 grams.  The amniotic fluid is low (about 4cm), but the doctor seemed pleased that there was still fluid present. No signs of brain sparing appeared on the ultrasound, so maybe the oxygen and hydrotherapy is actually helping?  We hope!  Walking around the house with my 50 foot long oxygen cord has been a bit comical.  Poor Weston, new to the whole walking thing, keeps tripping over the cords and getting his feet caught in them.  The girls like to pick up the cord and put it up to their nose, imitating what mommy looks like. 

Thursday, Chris came home unexpectedly for lunch.  He brought us some food from a work luncheon and announced that he got the job in Illinois!  Hooray!  He applied for this job way back in April and was finally selected for the Budget Analyst position.  We are excited for a new adventure in a new place!  I am starting to feel very anxious though about the cold weather.  I have truly loved being able to wear flip flops all year long in Arizona.  I love never having to bundle the kids up to go outside.  I love never having to worry about driving in the snow or on black ice. I love not being cold.   Oh Arizona, I shall miss thee.  Yes, I get tired of your blue, cloudless skies, your 8 month long summer, your brown desert rock formations, your scorpions lurking in the dark, your rocks, rocks, and more rocks....but despite all that, I have loved it here.  I wouldn't be surprised if we decided to move back someday :)  We are all excited though for a change!  We love moving to new places!  Fortunately, we don't have to move till closer to the end of the year.  Depending on what happens with baby Lucia, I may have to stay behind for a few weeks if she is still in the NICU.  There are so many unknowns about how the next few months will play out.  We just have to take it one week at a time. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

22 Weeks - CAOS

I have now reached 22 weeks.  As I mentioned in my last post, things just keep going from bad to worse.  We had an ultrasound and consultation with the specialist last Tuesday.  He said that the baby is suffering due to CAOS (Chronic Abruption Oligohydramnios Sequence), which is highly uncommon and either results in a very premature baby or fetal death.  He said he sees this in maybe two to three patients a year.  I wish I understood more about CAOS, but basically it is characterized by large bleeding episodes, where baby appears to be fine and grow normally until suddenly amniotic fluid begins to decrease rapidly without any evidence of ruptured membranes.  At 15 weeks, the baby and fluid levels were totally fine after my huge bleed (SubChorionic Hemhorrage) at 13 weeks.  The specialist seemed very optimistic and said that unless CAOS happens, baby would be alright.  Sure enough, five weeks later, CAOS happened.  Baby isn't getting the nutrients and oxygen she needs from my placenta.  She is way behind on the growth charts.  She is in "brain sparing" mode right now, sending all that she has to her most vital organs (the brain, heart, and adrenals).  In an effort to help baby survive for a few more weeks till she can be delivered, the doctor prescribed oxygen and hydrotherapy.  So, now I am hooked up to oxygen 24/7, and I use my neighbor's pool to do hydrotherapy for 15 minutes twice a day.   We go back in on Wednesday to see how she is doing.  The doctor's goal is to get me to 24 weeks and then from there, who knows...maybe we could possibly make it to 28 weeks....which would be a miracle.  Even if we did make it to 24 weeks, Lucia is so small, not even a pound yet, that the outcome would not be good.  I am praying that she can hang on till she gets bigger and has a good chance of leading a good life, or that Heavenly Father can take her back home. I think she is such a fighter...the fact that she has hung on this long... she just might surprise us all :)  Right now, we are doing what we can to give her a chance, and leaving the rest in the Lord's hands. 

..."let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power, and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."  - D&C 123:17